Grant Writing
Grant Writing Consultation
The Consultation for Grant Writing Services will be a discussion for 45 min with the client, and/ or clients about the services offered. The client, or clients will advise what service package they would like chosen, and we can then begin on getting your documentation verified, and the 45 min Consultation service for Grant Writing process started.
After the documentation that is required becomes verified you will then be processed into the package that you’ve chosen, and will start your package accordingly. (This 45 min Consultation service is the beginning stage and will be a one-time fee only).
Finding prospective grant clients
Identify needs and purpose of the grants
Submit documentation for inquiries
Get main applications from the company or firm of choice
Prepare the proposals for asking of grants
Service the needs of the grants
Keeping up with all award letters
Advising & making sure all grants meet their deadlines
Advising clients of proposal awards of their choice (If granted the award)
Negotiating award, & or awards with all parties involved
Monitoring 24/7 on every step of the process
Keeping all information confidential
Access to profile 24/7
Filing reports with agencies of choice by client, & or clients
Access to transfers to all business accounts of awards received
Customer Service Availability
Availability for multiple grants (There is a charge per grant under any service, & or services chosen)
Access to your grant, & or grants profiles that pertain to the clients, & or client submission of applications
Grant Consultation: $11.99
Grant Writing Silver Package
The Silver Package for Grant Writing Services include a 1 hour pre-discussion with the client, and/ or clients about the services offered. The client, or clients will be advise what service comes with this package, and we can then begin on getting your documentation verified, and the Grant Writing Silver Package process can start. (The assessment will only be skipped if you did the 45 min Consultation Service, & this package is the beginning stage & will only be a one-time fee for the 45min consultation only & only comes with 2 Small Business Grants & 2 Nonprofit Grants of the client, & or client’s choice per month only)
Finding limited(only) prospective, Limited(only) fund raising, Limited(only) content writing, & Limited(only) government grants
Identify needs and purpose of the grants
Submit documentation for inquiries
Access to pertaining documentation of the grant, & or grants
Get main applications from the company or firm of choice
Prepare the proposals for asking of grants
Service the needs of the grants
Keeping up with all award letters
Advising & making sure all grants meet their deadlines
Advising clients of proposal awards of their choice (If granted the award)
Negotiating award, & or awards with all parties involved
Monitoring 24/7 on every step of the process
Keeping all information confidential
Access to profile 24/7
Filing reports with agencies of choice by client, & or clients
Access to transfers to all business accounts of awards received
Customer Service Availability
Availability for multiple grants (There is a charge per grant under any service, & or services chosen)
Access to your grant, & or grants profiles that pertain to the clients, & or client submission of applications
Limited Time Offer: $259.99 (Depending On Assignment Basis)
Grant Writing Gold Package
The Gold Package for Grant Writing Services include a 1 hour and 20 min pre-discussion with the client, and/ or clients about the services offered. The client, or clients will be advise what service comes with this package, and we can then begin on getting your documentation verified, and the Grant Writing Gold Package process can start. (The assessment will only be skipped if you did the 45 min Consultation Service, also this package is the beginning stage & will only be a one-time fee for the 45min consultation only & only comes with 4 Small Business Grants & 3 Nonprofit Grants of the client, & or client’s choice per month only)
Finding prospective, fund raising, content writing, & government grants
Identify needs and purpose of the grants
Submit documentation for inquiries
Access to pertaining documentation of the grant, & or grants
Get main applications from the company or firm of choice
Prepare the proposals for asking of grants
Service the needs of the grants
Keeping up with all award letters
Advising & making sure all grants meet their deadlines
Advising clients of proposal awards of their choice (If granted the award)
Negotiating award, & or awards with all parties involved
Keeping all information confidential
Filing reports with agencies of choice by client, & or clients
Access to transfers to all business accounts of awards received
Availability for multiple grants (There is a charge per grant under any service, & or services chosen)
Limited Time Offer $459.99 (Depending on Assignment Basis)
Grant Writing Diamond Package
The Diamond Package for Grant Writing Services include a 1 hour and 45 min pre-discussion with the client, and/ or clients about the services offered. The client, or clients will be advise what service comes with this package, and we can then begin on getting your documentation verified, and the Grant Writing Diamond Package process can start. (The assessment will only be skipped if you did the 45 min Consultation Service, also This package is the beginning stage & will only be a one-time fee for the 45 min consultation only & only comes with 5 Small Business Grants & 4 Nonprofit of the client, & or clients choice Grants one-time flat fee only)
Finding prospective, fund raising, content writing, & government grants
Identify needs and purpose of the grants
Submit documentation for inquiries
Access to pertaining documentation of the grant, & or grants
Get main applications from the company or firm of choice
Prepare the proposals for asking of grants
Service the needs of the grants
Keeping up with all award letters
Advising & making sure all grants meet their deadlines
Advising clients of proposal awards of their choice (If granted the award)
Negotiating award, & or awards with all parties involved
Keeping all information confidential
Filing reports with agencies of choice by client, & or clients
Access to transfers to all business accounts of awards received
Availability for multiple grants (There is a charge per grant under any service, & or services chosen)
Limited Time Offer: $1050.99 (Depending on Assisgnment Basis)
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